The website that you're currently browsing! I learned the basics of website-building using SuperHi's Plan, Design + Code Your First Website course, then created this website on my own. Wireframes & mockups created via Figma, code written via SuperHi Editor.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma
One of my tasks during my internship with Sigma Computing where I created samples for their new Plugins feature to help customers understand how to use the feature.
JavaScript, React.js, D3.js, Recharts, CSS
An Android app that allows people to store their recipes on their phones. Designed with Figma, coded with Google's Flutter framework. WIP.
Android Studio, Flutter, Dart, Figma
Collaborated with both members of my own team as well as other teams to create a predictor for whether someone has COVID based on their symptoms. I was the Business Analyst & created UML diagrams.
UML diagrams
Collaborated with a team to create an image editor. I worked on image proportion scaling, file save name validation, image reset, and image adjustment sliders.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS